jueves, 1 de junio de 2017

Adol Christin, introducción a Ys

El joven guerrero era una figura extraña. Había algo... Fuera de lugar en él. ¿Era quizá su cabello rojo, tan exótico en aquellas tierras? ¿O era el hecho de que estuviese empapado de sangre, como un demonio venido del inframundo? No. No era nada de eso. Lo realmente extraño de aquel guerrero estaba en su rostro, en su sonrisa. Tenía una sonrisa dificil de definir. No era la sonrisa de un loco, de alguien que disfrutase con la matanza. Tampoco se trataba de una sonrisa de falsa seguridad. Al contrario. De todas las personas que habitaban esas tierras, él era el único que sonreía. Y su sonrisa era sincera; transmitía paz y esperanza.

The young warrior was a strange figure. There was... Something off about him. Maybe it was his red hair, so exotic in those lands? Or it was the fact that he was soaked in blood, like a demon from hell? No. It was none of that. The really strange thing about the warrior was on his face, on his smile. It was a hard-to-define smile. It wasn't a madman's smile, someone who enjoyed the slaughter. It wasn't a false security smile, neither. On the contrary. Of all the people that inhabited those lands, he was the only one smiling. And his smile was honest; transmitted peace and hope.

No copyright infringement intended. I do NOT own any images or characters of the franchise.

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